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Individuals who have OCD, often have significant difficulty pushing away or ignoring these thoughts. Those with OCD also have compulsive behaviours which are an attempt to reverse the obsessive thoughts or urges by performing some sort of action.

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Common signs of OCD may include:

  • Intrusive thoughts (often interfering with sleep onset).
  • Constant checking and perfectionistic behaviours.
  • Constant counting and tracking of ones steps, room items.
  • Repetitive and excessive cleaning of one or more items.
  • Frequently checking the stove, windows or door locks.
  • Having great difficulty breaking routine, or changing plans.
  • Fear of contamination (beyond normal cleanliness).
  • Hoarding and having difficulty throwing out certain items.
  • Thoughts that you might be harmed.
  • Thoughts that you might cause others harm.

If one or more of the above symptoms sounds familiar to you, we encourage you to consider contacting us for a consultation for OCD Therapy.

Our Approach

What You Need To Know

At the Toronto Neurodevelopmental Centre we help children and young adult patients better understand, take control of, and manage their OCD symptoms.

We would be happy to speak to your Family Physician or Pediatrician regarding our assessment findings should you wish to consider adding medication to the therapy you receive at the Toronto Neurodevelopmental Centre.

Working together, we will create an individualized plan for Therapy that will help you or your child gain greater control over their obsessive thoughts and/or compulsive behaviours, which will effectively reduce anxiety, improve their everyday quality of life, reduce stress and feelings of being constantly overwhelmed.

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